Thursday, July 11, 2024

Expression of Gratitude on the Successful Completion of the Fulbright TGC Program

Its truly honored to stand before you as we conclude the incredible journey of the Fulbright TGC Program. On behalf of our state education system, the director of academics, and our school principal, we extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this program a success.

Our sincere gratitude goes to the Fulbright Teacher Exchanges, funded by the U.S. Government and administered by the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX). We deeply grateful for being nominated as a host for this transformative program, which fosters global education and development.

Special thanks to the inspirational Fulbright teacher scholars, Ms. Danielle Brown and Ms. Corinna Christman. Your remarkable contributions have significantly enhanced our classroom teaching. Your feedback, energy, and innovative methods have been phenomenal. The dedication you both showed, working tirelessly for our students, is truly commendable.

Your efforts have enriched our educational environment and inspired us to strive for excellence. We are immensely grateful for the positive changes and lasting impact you have brought to our classrooms.

To the entire Fulbright TGC program team and leaders, thank you for this exceptional opportunity. Your support and guidance have been crucial to the program's success.

Thank you all for your unwavering commitment to education and for making this program a remarkable experience.

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