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Thursday, December 21, 2023

E-Content Development Workshop Progress Log: Day 3 and Day 4


E-Content Development Workshop Progress 

Day 3:

Morning Session: The third day of the E-Content Development Workshop witnessed a high level of collaboration among Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Archana Gargya, Supriya Bahukhandi, Bhaskar Joshi and Pradeep Negi as Content Moderators reviewed the e-content scripts with feedback on the SME's scripts. The teams actively engaged in scriptwriting activities using Google Drive, creating content for various subjects. This collaborative approach allowed for real-time edits and suggestions, promoting efficient content development.

Script Review and Editing: A significant portion of the day was dedicated to reviewing and editing scripts intended for uploading as documents on the Diksha Portal. The teams focused on ensuring clarity, accuracy, and alignment with educational objectives. The workshop coordinator, R P Badoni, provided guidance, emphasizing the importance of user-friendly content that enhances the learning experience.

Afternoon Session: The afternoon session saw the initiation of video scriptwriting for recording sessions on diverse subjects. Moderators played a crucial role in guiding SMEs in structuring engaging and informative video scripts. The teams explored innovative approaches to convey concepts effectively through video content.

Peer Collaboration and Review: Moderators took the initiative to form groups for collaborative scriptwriting, encouraging peer reviews within the teams. This approach aimed at refining the quality of content through diverse perspectives and expertise. Subject Matter Experts actively participated, sharing insights and best practices for effective scriptwriting.

Day 4:

Learning and Issue Identification: On the fourth day, the workshop continued its momentum with SMEs persistently learning and addressing issues related to the content development program. The interactive sessions facilitated a dynamic exchange of ideas, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation to emerging challenges.

Workshop Coordinator Engagement: R P Badoni, along with the moderation team, remained actively involved in hands-on sessions with the SMEs. This direct engagement served to address any immediate concerns, clarify doubts, and ensure a cohesive understanding of the content development process.

Collaborative Hands-On Sessions: The hands-on sessions continued to foster collaboration between SMEs and the moderation team. Practical application of theoretical concepts allowed for a seamless transition from planning to execution, enhancing the efficiency of the content development process.

Conclusion: Days 3 and 4 of the E-Content Development Workshop showcased significant progress in scriptwriting and content development. The collaborative efforts of SMEs, content moderators, and the workshop coordinator resulted in a dynamic exchange of ideas, promoting continuous learning and improvement. The formation of peer review groups and hands-on sessions underscored the commitment to creating high-quality educational content for the Diksha Portal. As the workshop progresses, the collective dedication to excellence bodes well for the future of e-content development in Uttarakhand.

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